Eclectronics |
35% Miniprojects, 65% Project.
There will be three individual miniprojects and one team project this semester. The three miniprojects will be small, relatively constrained individual project to learn the PCB design software (KiCad 5.0.2) that we will be using this semester and how to use the equipment in AC 329 (the EE Prototyping Room) to do surface-mount assembly and rework. The three miniprojects will take place during approximately the first five weeks of the semester. The final project will a team project (done in teams of two or three students) and will be much more open ended. There will be several milestones/deliverables for the final projects. You will receive a grade for each one. The grade for a given miniproject/milestone/deliverable will be weighted in proporiton to the duration of time between its due date and the and the due date of the preceding one.
Late Reports/Milestones. Project reports and project milestones will be due at the start of class on the announced dates. Late reports/milestones will be penalized at a rate of up to 5% per day or fraction thereof up to a maximum of 50%.